Please note: Due to their size, these are sent by courier. Please do not use a PO Box as the shipping address as couriers will not deliver to a PO Box. This item is excluded from our free shipping offer on orders $150 and over.
Broomraker is the ultimate equestrian and gardening tool - a unique combination of a broom and a rake. It is British-made and extremely good quality - robust and versatile. The rake prongs are perfectly designed to reach between the grooves of rubber matting. The bristles are firm and perfect for scrubbing to get surfaces really clean. The handle is tough - so tough you can use the Broomraker to break open new shavings bales.
Just some of the uses we have found for it - cleaning float and truck floors, cleaning stables, scrubbing the yard, gardening, raking the arena surface, raking gravel, breaking up shavings bales.
It may seem expensive but once you own a Broomraker you will find many uses for it and it will outlast every other cleaning tool on the yard. And it will last you for years - these are a top quality product, entirely made in Britain.
You can watch a video of Broomraker in action here.